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Alex, Grace, and Hope,


This is my attempt to explain my experiences connected with Jackson’s passing and how the Lord, Almighty, carried me through each and every breath I have taken since.


This will be a very rough task as I regurgitate my emotions onto a page. As I write it, it will come out very raw. I hope when it is finished that I will be able to share my experiences and you will see that we have an awesome God. He is Good. He is Loving. He is Caring. He has carried me and been with me throughout each and every day of my life.


Interspersed, in the following text, you will see scriptures written out. As I was writing this, it would get overwhelming and drain me. God would then lead me to a scripture in which to feed off of. I would read and then study that scripture before heading on to write more. Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Word that has become flesh. If as you read this it becomes too much, please pause and feed off of the Word of God.




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